TV Satellite

Fee Information for DVB, DVB Card, Channel TV Satellite

Satellite Update

- TELSTAR 10 (76.5E)

- ASIASAT 4 (122.0E)

Software DVB

Settings are (grouped and rearranged). Add some options for
plus custom typestyle size in full screen (main OSD). Some fixes.

ProgDVB 5.15.2 4.91.2 DOWNLOAD
Add support of analogously TV. Autoupdate channel time-table
in playtime and some improvements of ATSC/DVB scanner.

DVBPortal MP4 Multiplex/Demultiplexer 0.9 DOWNLOAD
This is plus new muxer tool for MP4 streams baseball he mp4creator.
It combines H264 videorecorder tracks and AAC audio tracks. Muxes are compatible
with Quicktime, Apple TV, XBox and mannerism others

Technisat Driver 4.4.3 (SkyStar 2) DOWNLOAD (TechniSat)
Solved issue with software instalment in combination with
Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1.
Added full DiSEqC support what BDA driver. This download paw
now contains the standard decoder paw from Mainconcept.

Updated the ProgDVBEngine what potential verso. Fixed an internment error.
Fixed work with satellite card DVBWorld DVB-S2.

MyTheatre 3.38.2 Full Paw
Added support for TeVii cards S400,S600,S420. Fix for SkyStar1/Nexus
for handling some streams. This is only hot fix for 3.xx verso.
Verso 4 will be presented potential which will include globe changes
in MyTheatre store bread as h.264 support and other features

DVB Dream 1.4i DOWNLOAD  Old Versions
Faster scan for WITHIN satellites. Some TS record problems fixed.
Improved Vista compatibility, Vista AEROBIC window movement bug fixed.
Fix for 19.2e DVB-S2 crash problem and network search (DVB-S2 TPs).
BDA interface update (v2.0). Now OSD Now/Next info should be always up- what- woodpecker.

DVB Player
DVB Card

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About TV Satellite
Saturday, April 21, 2007

A satellite is any object that orbit another object. Satellites can be spacecraft manufactured on Earth and sent into orbit on a launch vehicle, they may be naturally occurring such as moons, comets, stars, planets, and even galaxies.

Satellite television is television delivered by way of communications satellites as compared to conventional terrestrial TV and cable TV. In many areas of the world satellite television services supplement older terrestrial signals, providing a wider range of channels and services, including subscription-only services.

The first satellite television signal was relayed from Europe to the Telstar Satellite over North America in 1962. Satellite television, like other communications relayed by satellite, starts with a transmitting antenna located at an uplink facility. Uplink satellite dishes are very large, as much as 9 to 12 meters (30 to 40 feet) in diameter. The increased diameter results in more accurate aiming and increased signal strength at the satellite. The uplink dish is pointed toward a specific satellite and the uplinked signals are transmitted within a specific frequency range, so as to be received by one of the transponders tuned to that frequency range aboard that satellite. The transponder 'retransmits' the signals back to Earth but at a different frequency band (to avoid interference with the uplink signal), typically in the C-Band(4–8 GHz) and/or Ku-Band(12–18 GHz). The leg of the signal path from the satellite to the receiving Earth station is called the downlink.




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